Life is Better When You Surf® - Jen Johnson
We recently had a chat with Jen Johnson, owner and manager of Southern Spears Surf Shop in Galveston, Texas USA...
image supplied by Jen Johnson.
GSI: Hi Jen, tell us about yourself, where you live and what you do at Southern Spears Surf.
JJ: I'm a former Elementary Art Teacher. I didn't retire, I quit in 2017. 20 years was enough for me! I live in Bayou Vista, Texas (which is about 8 miles outside of Galveston Island in a small canal community). I am the owner, operator, HR, Social Media, Purchasing Agent, Custodian, you get the picture! I do all of the things for the shop!
GSI: How old were you when you learnt to surf? Where was it, and who taught you?
JJ: 53, I grew up in Nebraska! Little bit in Galveston and a little bit in Poipu Beach in Kauai, Hawaii. I'm not a big surfer even though I own a Surf Shop. I love the Surf Community and the culture it represents. Owning the shop allows me to stay deeply connected to that vibe and support the community, surfers and beach lovers in living their best lives. Fun fact, my fat rescue chihuahua "Poopie" surfs the dog comps and wins! She's gotten two 1st place and one 3rd place. My dog surfs better than I do!
image supplied by Jen Johnson.
GSI: What is the best tip you have for anyone learning to surf?
JJ: Take lessons! Be patient!!! Rent boards before you buy and invest.
GSI: Tell us about a surf session that really sticks in your mind.
JJ: Surfing this past August in Hawaii was really cool. I got to surf with my husband, cousin and his wife from Idaho, it was a new experience for them! But getting manhandled coming out of the surf was challenging after the long session. My cousin got it all on video!!!
GSI: What is your favourite surf spot?
JJ: Right now I'd say Poipu Beach, Hawaii. But I love to hang out and watch our local surfers here in Galveston. If you can surf in Galveston, you can surf anywhere!
image supplied by Jen Johnson.
GSI: Jen, you bought the store recently. What is the history of the store?
JJ: Southern Spears Surf Shop was opened up in 2011 by an Australian. He met his wife who is a local Galvestonian while she was studying abroad. The shop's name "Southern" (comes from her being the Southerner) and Spears (Australian slang for surfboard). My husband and I purchased the shop in July 2021 from the original owners. Since then we have had a great relationship with them! I have kept the name and the same vibe.
GSI: What are the best and worst parts of being a retailer these days?
JJ: Best part is that my customers come in happy. Most are on vacation and love checking out the local surf shop vibe. I love to chat with people and find out where they're from. It's fun to point them in the right direction for things to do and restaurants to eat at. It's not uncommon for me to see the same group on a daily basis for their entire trip!
Worst part has been 2024 with a terrible economy and then add July's Hurricane Beryl with subsequent rains in August.
image supplied by Jen Johnson.
GSI: Since you have been running the store, what is the biggest lesson you have learned?
JJ: The biggest lesson so far is that the only thing I can predict is that I can't predict the economy! Since we are a mostly a tourist-based shop, I have to rely on them and what their needs are. I swore I'd never sell shot glasses, and here we are, selling shot glasses.
We are definitely a core surf shop with a few touristy things. I've also learned to listen to the local surfers. If I don't have what they want or need, they tell me why it would be a good addition to the shop and why it will sell.
GSI: What do you like about dealing with GSI?
JJ: When I first took over the shop, GSI was literally one of the first phone calls that I received to welcome me to the industry! Taking over a shop in the middle of July was a bit insane! Every person I have ever dealt with at GSI has been professional and quick to respond to any of my needs and questions. Excellent customer service for me and my customers.
GSI: What is your favourite GSI board at the moment?
JJ: My all time fav board was the Modern Love Child with the 4 quadrant bright colors. But, the Modern Highline has been doing really well here in Galveston. It's a great board for our waves here. I've sold so many! I even bought one 5'8" back from a local who saved all his money for that board. When he was ready to upgrade, I bought it back from him. He used the money to buy a new one and I have his old in my rental pool.
GSI: Our company mantra is ‘Life is Better When Your Surf®'. How does that statement resonate with you?
JJ: Life might be better when you surf, but it's also pretty amazing being a part of the surf community, sharing the stoke, and supporting the vibe every day! When I sell a board to a first timer, parents buying it as a gift, the Grom who saved all his money or the Surfer who has pulled the trigger to upgrade from a foamie, it brings a smile to my face to pass on the stoke from the shop.
image supplied by Jen Johnson.
If you find yourself down Galveston way drop in to Southern Spears Surf and say Hi to Jen and the gang, be sure to let them know we sent you!