Everybody at Global Surf Industries believes in making a very real contribution to the community in which we work. To make sure we do so, we actively support a range of community initiatives which we feel best reflect our company mantra, "Life is better when you surf®".
The organizations profiled below are good examples of the types of charities GSI gets involved with. If you can help any of these organizations, please feel free to do so. On the other hand, if you think that any of these organizations might be able to help you, we can recommend each of them wholeheartedly on the basis of our experiences with them in the past.
The Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation is a non-profit 501(c) 3 Foundation dedicated to honoring the life of our inspiration, Jim Miller, by supporting the healing of mental and physical illness through surfing and ocean related activities. Through recreational, educational and mentoring programs, the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation will bring together surfers, educators, therapists, lifeguards and friends to help people affected by mental and physical illness feel the joy and healing power of the ocean and surfing.
Get involved: jimmymillerfoundation.org
In November 2000, Alan and Pamela Skuse left their home on the Sunshine Coast of Australia, to volunteer at an orphanage in Tapachula for twelve months. The organisation they were assisting closed down after six months, leaving the Skuses with a life changing decision. To return to Australia, or take on the overwhelming challenge of caring for the remaining 7 children full time. The thought of leaving the kids, who would go back to the streets, and lives of abuse, was not an option. So despite the lack of resources and support, Pam and Alan decided to take on the huge responsibility of establishing their own refuge.
Get involved: lovelifehope.com
Outdoor Outreach is a San Diego-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower at-risk and underprivileged youth to make positive, lasting changes in their lives through comprehensive outdoor programming. Outdoor Outreach programs support underserved youth in San Diego County who are at risk for school dropout, substance abuse, violence and unintended pregnancy. We are the only agency in San Diego and one of just a few in the USA that utilize outdoor physical experiences to provide youth with the support, relationships, resources and opportunities they need to become successful adults. Since its founding in 1999, Outdoor Outreach has taken more than 5,000 youth on over 1,500 outings, including rock climbing, snowboarding, surfing, snorkeling, mountain biking and backpacking. Check out this video with some of the Outdoor Outreach kids talking about the impact the program has had on their lives.
Get involved: www.outdooroutreach.org
WAVES for Development International is registering as a 501c3 not-for-profit organization in the US. The organization will educate people about WAVES' cause, promote its programs, and raise support for WAVES projects and organizations around the world. WAVES for Development, believes that bringing together Water, Adventure, Voluntourism, Education and Sustainability (the WAVES acronym) provides an innovative solution. Surfing and sustainable development meet in Educational Surf Programs for disadvantaged youth and Adventure Volutourism programs for visitors. International volunteers and local youth build personal and social skills and learn the value of environmental conservation while sharing the surf experience. If you would like to get involoved in the WAVES for Development program or would like to know more about this great organization check out their web site.
Get involved: wavesfordevelopment.org
The Surfers For Autism mission is to unlock the potential of people with developmental disabilities, support advocacy for autism issues and scientific research. Our focus is to eliminate stigma through public awareness and education and to unite communities through volunteerism.
Get involved: surfersforautism.org
Surfing Mums Inc aims to unite mothers all over the world in their passion for surfing. They are a network of women, who are mums (of course), that also love to surf and still want to get out on the water as often as they did prior to having kids. Its not about how well you surf, or whether you are a longboarder, shortboarder, kneeboarder, bodyboarder, body surfer or just learning to surf - it's about getting wet and having fun! Their network encourages building great relationships with like-minded mums and their families. Joining each other on the beach when the surf is pumping, or simply make friends with other mums and go for surfs without the kids.
Get involved: surfingmums.com
The Disabled Surfers Association was established in 1986 by Gary Blaschke after a motorcycle accident which caused him to lose a knee cap and spend a long time in rehabilitation. Gary quickly discovered that, over the years, many surfers with disabilities had been transformed into loners with no one to help them get back into the water. Thanks to Gary's insight and effort, now everyone from asthmatics to paraplegics can turn to the Disabled Surfers Association for friendship and support, and a great way to renew their interest in surfing. In recognition of the value of his 15-year contribution to the disabled surfers' cause, Gary recently was awarded the "Australian Sports Medal" and inducted into the "Surfing Hall of Fame".
Get involved: disabledsurfers.org
The origins of Boarding House Mentors were seeded in the youth experiences of co-founder Alan Scott. Growing up in the racially charged 60's and 70's, Alan endured many of the same challenges our under served youth are facing today. BHM is built on the support and action of others. Their mission is simple - they introduce disadvantaged youth to the exhilaration of surfing in order to broaden their life experiences through a healthy and non-competitive activity. Surfing can have a significant positive impact on self esteem, image, and confidence. Their program is simple - they have outgoing volunteers that bring their love and passion for surfing and dedicate their day to teaching it. Not only do participants have a day of fun, but they meet new friends, encourage each other, and reach personal goals. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like to make a donation.
Get involved: passthestoke.org
Life Rolls On, a subsidiary of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for young people affected by spinal cord injury and utilizes action sports as a platform to inspire infinite possibilities despite paralysis. Annually over 6,700 youth incur a spinal cord injury. Tens of thousands more currently live with such an injury.
Get involved: liferollson.org